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Image by Jan Kahánek


I pray that you take the a moment to read the blogs and allow them to encourage you.


A Message from God: Trust Me

Dr. Wanda M. Coleman

You are on the path of MY choosing. I know the plans I have for you, not the other way around!

I know where I am taking you. I know where you're going. Trust Me.

I know it's painful. I know you're hurting. You only know in part, but I know the beginning and the end. Trust Me.

When you can no longer see the step ahead of you,

When you can no longer hear the voices behind you,

Trust Me.

When people begin to fade in the background and your once known path becomes unclear, Trust Me.

I am the lamp that lights your path.

I am the voice that says, "This is the way, walk in it."

I am the staff in your had, waiting to be placed in unchartered waters so that you can walk through on dry ground.

I am your comforter when the familiar becomes unfamiliar, and when your place of peace becomes of a place of hostility.

Trust Me when you're scared.

Trust Me when you are lonely.

Trust Me when you lack direction.

I am He who says, "Fear Not."

I am He who will never leave you nor forsake you.

I am He who stands in the turbulent waters with you and

beckons you to come.

I BECOME who I've called you and purposed you to be.

You are my child. I got you.

Trust Me.

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