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Image by Jan Kahánek


I pray that you take the a moment to read the blogs and allow them to encourage you.


Employers, Train Your Employees!

Wanda M. Coleman

There is much talk about the Great Resignation, where in August 2021 alone 4.3 million people resigned from their jobs for one reason or another. Many made comments on social media or had an opinion as to why people were leaving their places of employment.

“People are just lazy!”

“Don’t people know they need to work?!”

“What are they going to do?”

“Why are people leaving their jobs in the droves?”

The training and development of people is dear to my heart, so I have decided to lend my voice to the conversation because I am one of the 4.3 million.

August 6, 2021, I resigned from my job.

Although there was a myriad of reasons as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons was lack of training and a toxic work environment.

When I came to the department four years prior, it was in disarray.

Upon my arrival and without even meeting my supervisor and chair, I received comments from those already working in the department and outside of the department about how challenging and difficult it was to work there. That’s not the way any person wants to start their journey in a new position. Yet, this was how it all started for me. I prayed and kept a positive attitude as I walked over to the building in which I would work.

I came to the setting as a temporary employee and my training consisted of sitting next to someone who did not do what I would be doing and to observe. I did this. I went to systems training that lasted 2 days, and then was left on my own to figure it out.

Thankfully, I am a self-starter, a critical thinker and come with a set of skills, so I was able to figure out some things. As I came in early and worked late just to get a handle on my role, I became the hub of the department. From the employees to the residents and doctors, they came to me because I helped them. I made some mistakes along the way, but what do you expect when you are training yourself in a new place, at a new job and in a new role?

Too often, new employees are left to figure out how to do the job for which they were hired on their own.

Yes, we applied for a position and have the skillset.

We know how to turn on the computer and answer the phone.

We know how to communicate and ask questions.

But when it comes to knowing why we are doing what we’re doing for YOUR organization, we do not know this.

We need training on best practices according to your organization.

We need to be trained on processes and procedures of your organization or department.

We must be trained on systems and protocols viable to the operation of your business.

We need to know the culture of your establishment and your expectations of customer service.

We have to be trained on the best way to provide customer service to those you service.

If we do not receive the training, employees, at best, will provide your customers and clients with service a service aptitude from their point of view and based on how they have serviced people in past places of employment.

At their past places of employment, it was okay to barely greet the customer.

At their past places of employment, it was okay to barely look at the customer.

At their past places of employment, the customer was not always right, and it was okay if they told them so.

If you do not train your employees, you will end up losing customers and business.

Contrary to popular belief, people will leave no matter how long you have serviced them.

They will not put up with bad service. No matter how long they have been a customer, patient, client – they will go elsewhere. There are far too many other options they can consider.

It is unacceptable to sit a new employee at a desk, not talk to them and expect them to know how to do their jobs, positions, and/or roles effectively. Then when they make a mistake, you want to hold them accountable when you never provided the training to do the job.

Best practices and customer services are not the same across the board. Each organization has a way of doing things, and new employees need to know your way so that they can succeed. Companies and organizations are interested in the bottom line. Yet, if you continue in the practice of not training those who represent your company, it will eventually lead to you hitting rock bottom, and the fall of your organization.

Many new employees are set up to fail the moment they step foot into your establishment if they do not receive training.

New employees are at a disadvantage, but so are employees who have remained.

What we are seeing now is a rush to hire because there is a need, but not the same urgency is given when it comes to retaining current employees.

New employees are walking in the door with huge pay advances, while little to nothing is going into employee retention. I saw a department lose twenty employees because of its refusal to listen to the needs and concerns of its employees. I was one of the twenty.

I can speak from both places because prior to making the decision to resign, I was the employee who stayed and tried to keep the department afloat.

Time and care should be invested into your new and established employees because although you may have built the organization, you need people to keep it running.

Without training, you risk losing people with a great work ethic who got tired of asking for something they should have gotten the moment they stepped in the door.

Employers, please take the time to stop and listen.

Currently I am back in the workplace on a temporary assignment. I am at a new place with different people. In a new role. And nothing has changed. I am dealing with the same old story.

I have been here for a month and just got up and running on the computer. It took one month for IT to get me connected to the system properly so that I can do my job. It took 30 minutes to do this. I still do not have access to systems that I am told I need to do my job effectively.

So far, I’ve encounter, the same old thing…

“Welcome to our organization!

We are so happy to have you here. Let me show you around. Here is where you will work.

Here is the breakroom. Here is the coffee. The bathroom is around the corner.

You will be working with several different systems. Sit here at this desk and listen to the online training. Hopefully, you will not have many questions because the online training is pre-recorded and there is no one to answer your questions.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me although I am really busy, and may never be around. Knock on my door if you need help. Don't worry if I look bothered when you knock on the door; I’m really busy and you are interrupting me, but I’m here to help.

Eventually you will catch on.”

Or not.


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