Yesterday was the 2024 election for president and other offices; the day we vote to make our voices heard
Today is the day where we received the outcome. For many, including myself, it isn't the outcome I hoped for.
Today I sit with my thoughts and feelings and try to process all of the emotions that come with being disappointed, angry, sad and uncertain of what to expect in the days ahead.
How are you?
How are you dealing with outcomes that aren't what you hoped for?

When the outcome of a thing isn't what you hoped for, we often feel a gambit of things internally. Allow yourself to feel those feelings, have those emotions, and think those thoughts because trying to stuff, avoid, deny and/or over spiritualize what's happening on the inside only delays the inevitable. At some point what's happening on the inside begin to display itself on the outside.
So today, I lament to God. A lament is "a passionate expression of grief or sorrow." It means "to cry out, to wail or to mourn." Lamenting to God is safe. It's cathartic and it's biblical. Lamenting to God allows me to release what's going on inside of me, and opens me up to His comfort, peace, and care. Lamenting also helps me to see the hand of God in life despite of outcomes in my life not just today, but over the years. Being able to see the hand of God in my life at vulnerable times, crucial times, chaotic times strengthens me and reinforces that God will never leave me nor forsake me.
If you are feeling anything like I am, I pray that you'll allow yourself the time and space to lament is well. It's okay to feel how you feel without explanation. As a matter of fact, take the time to unplug altogether from social media and devices. Get in God's presence and tell Him all about.
When the outcome isn't what you hoped for, put your hope in God.
Trust Him and have faith in Him.
Pray and listen to His voice and for His instruction.
Take heed and obey what He says.
God is working, even in this.
"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
(Psalm 46:10)